Allison Graf

Allison leads Investor Relations at Frontline, where she focuses on managing and strengthening relationships with current and future fund investors.

Before joining Frontline, Allison spent over seven years at Cornell Tech, Cornell University’s New York City campus dedicated to educating the next generation of tech entrepreneurs. As a core member of the Development team, she played a pivotal role in raising funds to advance the strategic vision for the campus.

During that time, she developed a passion for shaping technology for positive societal outcomes and promoting a more inclusive and ethical tech ecosystem. Previously, Allison’s background was in data analytics and behavioural economics.

Allison has lived in the Bay Area, New York City, and has recently relocated to London, where she is exploring all that the City has to offer in the food and wine department. She is also an avid fan of film and theatre, with a particular love for indie cinema.

Frontline Growth

For growth-stage founders and CEOs in the U.S., Frontline Growth will help establish you in Europe

Frontline Seed